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Calculation Exchange rates Robotic T300 R provides operational information on the forex market, using a sophisticated algorithmic computation driven by neural networks, capable of providing point of open, buy o sell, stop loss, target, flat, line seizure. The system described is technically suited to operations carried out through exchange platform. […]

Il Calcolo Valutario Robotico T200 R

Calculation Exchange rates Robotic T200 R provides operational information on the forex market, using a sophisticated algorithmic computation driven by neural networks, capable of providing point of open, buy o sell, stop loss, target, flat, line seizure. The system described is technically suited to operations carried out through exchange platform. […]

Calcolo Valutario Robotico T50 R

Il Calcolo Valutario Robotico T50 R fornisce informazioni operative sul mercato forex, using a sophisticated algorithmic computation driven by neural networks, capable of providing point of open, buy o sell, stop loss, target, flat, line seizure. The system described is technically suited to operations carried out through exchange platform. l’Algoritmo di Calcolo Valutario Robotico T50 R, gives the weight of the transaction stated in millions of Euros or Dollars, making replicable with the same proven and tangible results. […]

Portfolio Statement T10 System 24 April 2015

Report bi-settimanale di operatività su piattaforma valutaria, the same result is the application of the levels calculated by the system for calculating the currency of the series T10. Click image to enlarge and view the weekly report on the calculation of the T10-F System: Portfolio statement T10 F del 17 April 2015. […]

Portfolio Statement T10 System 17 April 2015

Report settimanale di operatività su piattaforma valutaria, the same result is the application of the levels calculated by the system for calculating the currency of the series T10. Click image to enlarge and view the weekly report on the calculation of the T10-F System: Portfolio statement T10 F del 17 April 2015. Made with calculation currency capable of providing the level of calculation for a capital of EUR 100.000,00 with a line up of 10 milioni di euro . ( leads 1/100 sul capitale versato, margin call 35%).
