June 10, 2014

Servizi di Calcolo Valutario

Below is some useful information regarding the currency trading. As you surely know the industry currency is the most liquid market in the world, but also the market where you lose more, what the effect of leverage granted by banks, that if poorly used can produce losses in excess of invested capital. Statistically, the percentage of losers on mkt currency fluctuates between 90 and 95%, being a market where every day the positions you must close with a profit or a loss.

<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <TITLE>302 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY> <H1>302 Moved</H1> The document has moved <A HREF="http://ipv4.google.com/sorry/IndexRedirect?continue=http://translate.google.com/translate_a/t?client=a&q=In+questo+modo+si+crea+una+grossa+liquidit%C3%A0+di+cui+%C3%A8+possibile+approfittare+giornalmente&q=risponde+a+reali+transazioni+commerciali&q=Per+approfittare+di+questa+grande+liquidit%C3%A0+offerta&q=Tutti+i+prodotti+operano+con+leve+finanziarie+differenti+e+margin+call+diversi+determinati+dai+clienti+interessati+a+questo+tipo+di+operativit%C3%A0&q=e+solo&q=Nel+Grafico+vengono+evidenziati+dal+server+della+Bank&q=Dukascopy&tl=en&sl=auto">here</A>. </BODY></HTML> . The 90% market Forex oggi è costituito da speculazione e solo il 10% risponde a reali transazioni commerciali. Per approfittare di questa grande liquidità offerta, nel tempo lo staff, formato da esperti professionisti del settore con esperienza pluri ventennale, has developed a calculation tool, from the first rudimentary, then with the technological evolution has been able to refine this calculation currency that has interface in neural network, in this way every day produces what appears from the statements products.

Ours is a service we offer to those who need it, for the service you pay a fee currency compared to the capital invested, la performance è del beneficiario del conto valutario che può gestire avvalendosi delle nostre informazioni le quali vengono fornite tramite newsletter trasmesse anche sulle piattaforme valutarie in real time ed a discrezione del beneficiario possono essere duplicate sulla propria piattaforma.

The main systems of calculation currency products are as follows:

Monthly rent system T100: trading system, food without reference to the capital, le indicazioni di calcolo sono tuttavia consigliate per un capitale min. of 1 thousand. euro and a maximum of capital 3 thousand. di euro, the same is transmitted daily newsletter by email to the user. In calculating the turn point is detected and two target sell and buy, con definizione del trading range giornaliero. I risultati del sistema di calcolo vengono inviati al sottoscrittore del contratto di affitto del calcolo valutario telematicamente entro le ore 07,00 GMT di ogni giorno lavorativo, the same at its discretion will use the information received calculation.

Monthly rent system T50R: The Trading System T50R is of robotic, It provides information exchange for a capital of EUR 500.000 the subscriber of the lease, robotic software remotely collects specific calculation imposed by the subscriber with input in real time sent to the coordinates that the subscriber will indicate to the cross EUR / USD.

Monthly rent system T100R: The Trading System T100R is kind of robotic, It provides information exchange for a capital of EUR 1 million to the subscriber of the lease, robotic software remotely collects specific calculation imposed by the subscriber with input in real time sent to the coordinates that the subscriber will indicate to the cross EUR / USD.

Monthly rent system T200R: The Trading System T200R is kind of robotic, It provides information exchange for a capital of EUR 2 million to the subscriber of the lease, robotic software remotely collects specific calculation imposed by the subscriber with input in real time sent to the coordinates that the subscriber will indicate to the cross EUR / USD.

Monthly rent system T300R: The Trading System T300R is kind of robotic, It provides information exchange for a capital of EUR 3 million to the subscriber of the lease, robotic software remotely collects specific calculation imposed by the subscriber with input in real time sent to the coordinates that the subscriber will indicate to the cross EUR / USD.

Monthly rent system T200F: The T200F Trading System provides real-time information for a minimum capital of EUR 2 million, Currency signs are sent in writing in real time via the Internet, per il cross eur/usd, al sottoscrittore del contratto o persona da lui nominata, that will apply or not to apply the signals received on its platform currency. The calculation also identified signals to buy or sell, stop loss e take profit, spread.

Monthly rent system T200RS / A: The Trading System T200RS / A provides real-time information for a minimum capital of EUR 2 million, Currency signs are sent automatically or semi-automatically in writing in real time via the Internet, per il cross eur/usd, to the policyholder or person / company he named, that will apply or not to apply the signals received on its platform currency. The calculation also identified signals to buy or sell, stop loss e take profit, spread.

Su esplicita richiesta si possono sviluppare calcoli personalizzati per importi superiori ai quattro sopra proposti. Can be provided on specific request from the Investment Manager packages including instruction in the use of the calculation or assistance in real time through the demo platform adjuvant use real.

All operations are managed by FX a proprietary algorithm that creates a calculation currency piloted by a neural network which can work in a traditional manner or automatic. Tutti i prodotti operano con leve finanziarie differenti e margin call diversi determinati dai clienti interessati a questo tipo di operatività.

N.B. Si precisa che il calcolo valutario offerto nei sistemi presentati, <HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <TITLE>302 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY> <H1>302 Moved</H1> The document has moved <A HREF="http://ipv4.google.com/sorry/IndexRedirect?continue=http://translate.google.com/translate_a/t?client=a&q=non+produce+operativit%C3%A0+diretta+sul+mercato+valutario&q=il+calcolo+si+limita+ad+individuare+preventivamente+i+movimenti+del+mercato+con+lo+sviluppo+dell%E2%80%99algoritmo+di+calcolo+da+parte+di+una+rete+neurale+proprietaria&q=sviluppata+per+lo+scopo&q=I+risultati+vengono+messi+a+disposizione+dei+clienti+o+inviati+alle+coordinate+da+loro+indicate&q=i+clienti+autonomamente&q=sotto+il+loro+libero+arbitrio&q=decidono+come+e+se+utilizzare+le+informazioni+di+calcolo+offerte&tl=en&sl=auto&amp;q=CGMSBFFYMTUYu86YogUiGQDxp4NLvcuDk87YpGL7jgBhsniH0JIQdAI">here</A>. </BODY></HTML> , il calcolo si limita ad individuare preventivamente i movimenti del mercato con lo sviluppo dell’algoritmo di calcolo da parte di una rete neurale proprietaria, sviluppata per lo scopo. I risultati vengono messi a disposizione dei clienti o inviati alle coordinate da loro indicate, i clienti autonomamente, sotto il loro libero arbitrio, They decide how and whether to use the calculation information requests.

Reliability Statistics of the Currency Calculator

The statistical reliability of the three daily series is proposed in graphic represented . The target of the first level of calculation has a reliability equal to 91/92% , the target of the second level has a reliability equal to 70/71% . This tells us that the average reliability of the computing system is superior to '80% . In Sintesa 8 operations 10 are in profit e solo 2 are in loss. The profit normally assumed equal to the loss . In fact difficult to distance ourselves from the prices in the market for a value higher than 7/8 only , max risk of calculation before the protection signal of risk .


This extract is carried out using the Dukascopy Bank platform computing system having a line below to T500 300 thousand. di euro , attached below the ratio of the positions achieved during the year which turns out to be weekly .

Dukascopy Bank Statement




Attendibilità Statistica del Calcolo Valutario Forex

Nel Grafico vengono evidenziati dal server della Bank Dukascopy the operations carried out with the related points earned and lost, points that can be found in the report of the positions expressed above, the number of points in the period highlighted, net of losses, is equal to 141,7 only for 40 operations profit complete al 93% of total. The overall losses appear to be 9,7 only with ripartite 3 <HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> <TITLE>302 Moved</TITLE></HEAD><BODY> <H1>302 Moved</H1> The document has moved <A HREF="http://ipv4.google.com/sorry/IndexRedirect?continue=http://translate.google.com/translate_a/t?client=a&q=operazioni+pari+al&q=il+profit+medio+per+singola+operazione+al+netto+delle+spese+ha+reso&q=le+operazioni+in+perdita+al+netto+delle+spese+hanno+segnato+una+media+per+singola+operazione+di+%E2%80%93&q=valore+in+media+con+quanto+conseguito+nel+singolo+profit+pari+a&q=Servizi+di+Calcolo+Valutario&tl=en&sl=auto">here</A>. </BODY></HTML> 7% of total. il profit medio per singola operazione al netto delle spese ha reso 3,54 only, le operazioni in perdita al netto delle spese hanno segnato una media per singola operazione di – 3,23 only , valore in media con quanto conseguito nel singolo profit pari a 3,54 only .

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