Il Calcolo Valutario Robotico T200 R

Calculation Exchange rates Robotic T200 R provides operational information on the forex market, using a sophisticated algorithmic computation driven by neural networks, capable of providing point of open, buy o sell, stop loss, target, flat, line seizure. The system described is technically suited to operations carried out through exchange platform. […]

New Series products Trading System T200 series

In response to changing conditions of liquidity of the currency market, steps were taken, exploiting the algorithm present in the series T300, to create a new product with a capital deposit of € 2.000.000,00 , the same was named T200 . The trading system T200 faints product in the automatic version "T200R" and in the semi-automatic version "T200F" . In order to present to all customers new products is hereby given that the new price list is available for the commercial and updating of the technical characteristics of all computing systems products , including the new series T200. […]